Art & Music

The elementary art program is rooted in the belief that all children are artists. The goal is to provide experiences that build skills to instill confidence and bring students’ artistic visions to fruition as they create pieces that they share with pride.
While most projects follow guidelines, we encourage all of our young artists to think beyond the basic parameters of a project. We work to help students follow their imagination when they are inspired by a unique idea and provide the needed tools and space to see their ideas through whenever possible.
A wide variety of art materials are used, and we embrace the messiness of the process. Students create 2D and 3D pieces as they learn the foundations of art, including line, color, composition, value, shape, form, space, and texture.
Many art projects are rooted in art history, and students learn about artists, artistic periods, genres, and styles, as well as the cultural significance of these artists and movements.
Art is a creative process that should always be rooted in fun. "Mistakes" are viewed as opportunities and serve to foster resilience to overcome obstacles that are encountered when one’s vision does not immediately match the output.

All Students
are Musicians
at Oakwood
The elementary campus music program is multifaceted and comprehensive. Students are immersed in a curriculum that includes Kodaly, Suzuki, and the Classical Method. Each class includes singing, dancing, instrumental music, musical literacy (reading and writing music), and grade-appropriate music history. A wide variety of genres and styles of music are highlighted and explored with an in-depth study of music history offered in the 5th and 6th grades.
Vocal and instrumental performances occur regularly throughout the year in the form of concerts and a variety of performances. Through culminating events that showcase an area of the classroom curriculum, students engage in interdisciplinary learning projects that involve both music and art. Several music applications/platforms are used as learning tools for music students. Starting in grade 2, students learn how to use Garageband to record and create music. In grades 5 and up, students are exposed to additional platforms such as Logic and ProTools, professional audio recording, and editing software.
Oakwood has a robust Instrumental program with over 60 percent of all 3rd-6th graders participating. In addition to General Music, starting in grade 3, students have the opportunity to study a string instrument and participate in the beginning String Ensemble. In 4th grade, students may sign up for a band instrument and join the Beginning Concert Band. In 5th and 6th Grade, students may join the Full Orchestra. Oakwood Elementary also has a 6th Grade Jazz Band program.
Both music classrooms were designed for making music. The entire building is wired for live sound which makes it possible to use it as a fully functioning recording studio. Starting in Kindergarten, students learn to read rhythms and basic pitches through the use of percussion instruments, hand drums, and pitched Orff instruments. In grade 4, students learn Recorder, and in grades 5 & 6, the Ukulele.